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Why do I want to have natural building?

Simply because of LOVE! Love for Art and Love for Nature/environment

Love for Art

Natural building to me is a form of art, it is a living sculpture that is organic and whimsical. It also has that magical feelings as if in fairy tales. Natural building allows one to express one’s creativities not just limited on paper but could actually turn an idea into something real and in life size that the creator can live with it for a very very long time.

I love the round shapes, curve lines and smooth finishing of the natural building, these all give a comfortable and soothing feeling. The natural building evolves with human whom lives with the natural building, the touches of human being smooths the skin of the building and changes its colours with time.

My connection with Natural building was “Love in First Sight” in about ten years ago. Since then I have been searching information about it and tried to enroll in courses to learn building it, none worked out. I have to believe timing was yet right then until April this year when I found 野地森活and attended the 後壁土椅子灰泥與粉光工作坊workshop. Later in July I also took part in the 台南火箭爐土椅系統 workshop, I love what I experienced and love what I have seen. Finally, it has proven my love for natural building is a true love!

Love for the Environment

Our environment is suffering. It is the human being who is poisoning the environment. I wish to raise awareness for the protection our beautiful but fragile environment with the alternative of a natural and sustainable living style.

Natural building is a low impact and sustainable building method. It does not create more waste or harmful substance to the environment. It uses either natural materials or toxic-free found objects for the construction, helping to reduce the burden of landfills.

Moreover, it connects human being with nature. By involving in the construction process, we are actively having interactions with nature and feeling nature with our whole body. We dance on the cob mixture with our bare feet, roll the cob balls in our hands or even face painting with the cob mixture!! Nature is no longer a stranger to us after getting involved in the natural building process.


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© 2015 Created By 野地森活 Toudei

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