為何建為誰築? WHY WE BUILD?
阿樂/台灣石虎小泥窩實作班,2017 秋
在城市中的環境,鋪天蓋地的是千篇一律的大廈,腳踏著的大地都是灌上瀝青水泥的道路,源源不絕的龍頭水是水壩開山闢石家家離鄉背井的產物。人類的創造好像為解決問題產生更多問題。在享受著方便和資訊發達的同時,我們被驅使在時間巨輪中越走越快。創造成為純粹物質生產和無意識的行為。其產物成為他人的消費品, 脫離了跟創造者的關係。我們為了充飢和居住而賺錢。但果腹定居以後,我們又為什麼而賺錢?生活在現代社會的我們變成只會依據程式工作的一隊工蟻,俯首服命於掌控著靈魂的母蟻。
As cities are occupied by buildings of universal materials, a network of bitumen roads laid in order to lead to everyone’s doorstep , or dams built to fill up every household’s water tap, human creations becomes largely solutions to problems. We celebrate the gain of speed and convenience. And we are reluctant to shy away from the abundance of material and information. Our creation becomes a pure object, a product of consumption of the others that detaches from the soul of its creator. We work for money in order to get food and a house. After we get fed and a place to live, what do we gain? The mass of us is working like worker ants, sacrificing our lives to the queen ant, who controls the soul of the monarch.
Natural building is not only a return to building with natural material and process, whose wisdom has been tarnished in human modernization. Beyond that, it is a differ to our perception of lives. It is a manifestation to reexamine the way we spend our life: a return to living.

(Re)creation and Habitation 創造與居所
創造居所是與生俱來的一種能力。但居所不可能單憑個人意願而建立。在遠古時代,當人類還未發現種植農作物的可能前,我們都是游牧而生。我們的祖先打獵,捉魚。哪裏有豐富的生命, 就在哪裏落腳。屋子並不是落地生根固定在地上。屋子這個體更需要大地的配合,才能成合適人居住的家。人在開始懂得種植農作物後,屋子才變得牢固於地上。我們懂得透過創造屋子,改造土地,集合群體而生存。
A Chinese tale says that the world begins in a turmoil. A God named Pan Gu wakes up and stands in an upright position where the space above becomes the Sky, below becomes the Land. His body becomes mountains, bloods become water and rivers; sweats become rains; hairs become trees. Human beings are parasite. Since then, Qi is in motion, every object is in a cycle of life. Lives on Earth experience life in one form and dies and reborn in another form. Through recreation of objects we invent infinite things that depart from the originals. Every object possesses the ability to create.
To survive, we have to create a condition that is suitable to our bodies. Not all bodies need such a creation though, if the bodies themselves provide the right condition. Polar bear has thick fur, tiger has ferocious power and elephant has enormous weight that allows them to spend their lives in the open wild nature without the need of the creation of habitation. On the other hand, birds make nest to protect eggs, bees make hive to store food. Without thick skin or hair to fight against the weather, human recreates condition that is suitable for his own body.
The creation of habitation is innate in everyone. But the habitation cannot not be dictated by one’s sole desire. In ancient time before the knowledge of growing crops, everyone is nomadic. Our ancestors are hunters, fish catchers or gatherers. Houses are without ground. Humans travel from places to places looking for territory with an abundance of lives. Home is a concept which includes the house, one’s own creation, as well as the land on which it sits. As humans master crop yield, houses rest more solidly on ground. Instead of moving around to suit human’s need, we manage to create houses, alter territory and gather a group of people to maintain a stable living condition.

Beyond Objectification 物化以外
Natural buildings, in a broad sense, mean buildings with the use of natural materials and minimal processes. Beyond the virtue of natural building’s harmony with nature, it is the process of making it that sets it apart from the modernist values and architecture. Too often the spaces we live in now are as stern as rock, frozen at the moment when the builders leave. But natural building is a organism assisting the life of its owner. In Miyazaki’s movie, Howl’s Moving Castle, one may recall the scene when Howl was defeated and got ill, the Castle started to fall apart. The house is a vessel that is representative of the owner and the environment. During the making of cob building, one of the natural building types, each cob is of different size created by different people. The amount of water we add in cob varies according to the weather. When one pays a closer attention to the cob wall, one could tell which part of the wall is done by whom and in which season. The construction of the house is like the growth of a tree. Tree rings can tell the change of climate the tree experiences. Natural building gives the time that we experience a record of existence.
Building one’s home is a collective effort. It takes a pair of birds to build a bird nest, a thousands of ants to build an underground kingdom. Human beings in the construction of our home are of no difference from the rest of the animal kingdoms. In the old times, knowledge of basic construction is equipped in every household as it is the basic survival skill. The knowledge will pass on continuously from the old to the young. It is why in natural building, its construction should not be a job of the expertise but the owner of the house. This co-building process enables the house to become a medium to share the wisdom of living.
Nature building is also a return to co-living. Living together has been a nature of human beings as social animals. Since when though do people want to live in a place exclusive to themselves? Why do people want to privatize every inch of space? When do people believe we can live as individuals? As one realizes a house is an organism, it consumes the owner’s energy and time. The bigger the house is, the more effort one has to spend on it. We begin our day with the preparation of fire wood, boiling drinkable water, cleaning to prevent the invasion of other lives, before we go into the work we are meant to do. Our modern world has invented ingenious way to assist us on these chores. But the time we gain is a lose of connection with our neighbours, the ones who affect our perception of a home.

A Reflection on Living 反思生活
How many of us in Hong Kong are working 9 to 5 a day, 5 days a week, for 15 years to earn barely enough for a flat? At the age 40 sitting in the newly renovated apartment looking into the past, we ask “what have we missed out for money?”. What value do we find in our well-paid job? What is the purpose of living when our children have to be taken care of by others because we have to earn more money to live? Do we need money to live?
Money is a representation of value not the value itself. Home is a representation of living, not the goal of life itself. If we try to give up on the concept of money, and we are not working to make a living, what are working for? Our lives are limited, so are materials. The objects we create cannot be possessed as all of them will one day die. We come into this world naked and without a thing, so the way we leave. Maybe only the process of creation can go beyond our existence. It is our each and every relation we develop with nature and people that transcend our being and time. Create in every minute with passion and joy.